Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why the New Blog?

I've been considering adding a second blog for awhile now...I've thought about it and prayed about it and considered it some more. The time it will take - the responsibility it will add. But I have come to realize that it's worth any extra time or responsibility that it will add. First of all, I love writing and sharing our life with you...blogging is very fulfilling to me. And yes, I blog about both important things and frivolous things and I truly enjoy every last bit of it. I pray that what I write encourages you, uplifts you, or at the very least makes you smile for half-a-second.

The thing is that I feel compelled to write more frequently about more important things. Like truly understanding God's Word - the Bible. For years I have been a Christian; I even grew up in a Christian home, thankfully. I know a lot of Bible facts and stories (though I need to learn even more) and I frequently enjoy teaching the kindergarten kids in Bible class. But much of the time I have been given thus far has not been used to my fullest potential because I hadn't totally taken God's Word into my heart. Believed it with everything inside me. Obeyed it even when I didn't want to. Spread the gospel effusively, with joyfulness. Not recognizing the peace that passes understanding. I have been a slacker. And the Devil loooved that about me. Isn't that just horrible to think about??

During the past few years God has been softening my heart, though, through a series of events and readings and conversations and sermons and prayers. I feel like I'm finally headed in the right direction. I still am journeying toward a fuller understanding of the gospel, but I'm excited about that journey of becoming - and finally, being - Heaven-Minded. It's what God demands of us and I certainly don't want to disappoint Him.

I have a feeling that there are many others out there just like me - or even sort of like me - and that you yearn to find your way to Him also. I'm glad you're here. I want you to come here often and I want you to contribute your thoughts, but more importantly...your findings directly from the Bible and how we can tuck God's word into our very hearts. Not for safe-keeping but as a call for ACTION.

Join me if you're tired of complacency.

Join me if you're weary of glossing over the truth in favor of something prettier.

Join me if you want to start pleasing God instead of only yourself.

I'll be here. Find me.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your new project! I'm excited to read your insights on God, and love the passion to live the life fully!

Becky W said...

I am here!!!!! I had had this same thought!! I can't wait for this! I so need it!

Mindy said...

I, too, feel like it is only recently that I have begun to truly grasp God, even though I grew up going to church. The God I know now is full of love and goodness and forgiveness and mercy, unlike the god I was taught that was all about rules and don'ts and judgment and condemnation.

I'm proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and getting real. I pray that you will be able to be genuine and ignore the "pretty" for what is true in the cases they are not the same. It's a scary thought for a lot of us who want people to think we have it all figured out to admit we're flawed. But, once we realize we're truly sinners that are covered in His blood, it's much more freeing than constantly worrying about the condition of our "white washed tombs."

I'm trying to continue to learn these lessons and become more real in my faith. I'm very grateful for your effort, and excited to be part of it!

And happy birthday!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Hi Kristen, I came over from your other blog. WOW! I am so thrilled that you have chosen to be obedient to the calling of our wonderful Father!

I am a Bible Study teacher and speaker and my hearts cry is for people to know God's Word and to have changed lives!

May God bless and strengthen you on your new direction.
Blesings and Happy Blog Birthday!